Одесса, Украина
This is my paternal grandfather, Naum Fabrikant, with my father Yefim Fabrikant. This photo was taken in Voznesensk in 1902. My grandfather was born in the 1860s in Pinsk.
This is my father, Yefim Fabrikant, when he was a grammar school pupil. This photo was taken in Voznesensk in the early 1910s. My father was born in Voznesensk in 1892.
This is my father, Yefim Fabrikant, when he was a student of Odessa Medical College. This photo was taken in Odessa in the early 1920s.
This is me with my cousins Nina Patlazhan, nee Bogomolskaya (on the left) and Nina Gorodetskaya (on the right). This photo was taken in Odessa in 1928.
This is my future wife Nathalia Yampolskaya as a pupil, in the uniform of a pioneer. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1934. Nathalia is wearing a pioneer necktie with a pioneer clip on it.
This is my father, Yefim Fabrikant, wearing his military uniform. This photo was taken in Lutsk, Volyn region in 1939.
This is my mother Bronislava Fabrikant, nee Bluvstein. This photo was taken in Odessa in December 1940.
This is me when I was a Komsomol member. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1940. I started school in 1931.
This is me, Arnold Fabrikant, as a cadet of the military school. This photo was taken in Piatigorsk on 20th December 1941.
This is me (second row, the first from the right) with my fellow comrades. This photo was taken in Czechoslovakia in May 1945.
This is me (first from right) with my fellow comrade Kostia Shevyrev (in center). This photo was taken in Czechoslovakia on 22 May 1945.
This is me (the first from the right) among the soloists of our regiment ensemble for singing and dancing. This photo was taken in Ceska Lipa (Czechoslovakia) in May 1945.
This is me with my fiancee Nathalia Yampolskaya. This photo was taken in Odessa on 1st May 1947. I was photographed wearing my uniform since I didn’t have any civilian clothes. Natasha is wearing her only single suit and shoes with wooden soles.
This is me with my wife Nathalia Yampolskaya among our friends at our wedding. This photo was taken in Voroshylovgrad region in 1948.
This is my mother Bronislava Fabrikant, nee Bluvstein (in the center) with her patients and nurses in the health center. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1948.
This is me with my wife Nathalia Yampolskaya and our daughter Yelena Filurova, nee Fabrikant. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1956.
This is me. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1975. One of my colleagues photographed me during a lunch break in the yard of the liqueur and vodka factory.
This is me with my wife Nathalia Yampolskaya in the museum of our 68th Navy brigade. This photo was taken in the village of Kabardinskaya in 1995.
This is me. This photo was taken in Odessa in 2001. I was invited to Gemilut Hesed to be photographed as a member of the ‘Front line brotherhood’. I was photographed with all awards that I received in my peaceful life for my participation in the war.
Арнольд Фабрикант все еще очень энергичный человек несмотря на преклонный возраст. Он говорит взволнованно и с любопытством смотрит в глаза своего собеседника. Он живет в трехкомнатной квартире в старом доме на тихой улице в историческом центре Одессы. В одной из комнат квартиры находится коллекция вышивок, украшенная цветочными узорами – творения его жены Натальи Яковлевны, очень милой женщины. Квартира скромно меблирована. На торшере, столе и полках имеются кружевные чехлы, которые создают уютную старинную атмосферу. Маленькая комната, где у нас было наше первое интервью, служит кабинетом. Там очень много папок, заполненных вырезками из прессы, документами, файлами и видеокассетами. Дом полон книг. Семья дружелюбная и милая. Хотя Арнольд очень занятой человек, он хотел поговорить со мной и поделиться своей историей.
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