Кишинів, Молдова
This is me before entering the technical school. This photo was taken in 1937 in Kishinev. I was born on 28th October 1921 in Kishinev.
This is me (2nd from the left in the upper row), at a party after finishing the 3rd year of the construction technical school, with my co-students Semyon Rapoport (1st from the left), Anatoliy Bregman (1st from the right), Mikhail Fierman (on the top). This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1939.
This is me. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1940.
This is me with a bunch of Bulgarian girls. This photo was taken in Lom in 1944. I served in the 84th separate tank regiment for the last two years of the war. I joined it in late 1943, when the Transcaucasian front was disbanded and we were assigned to the 4th Ukrainian front.
This is my second wife Lubov Berezovskaya. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1947. During the war in Hungary I was slightly wounded and met my future wife Lidia Zherdeva in the hospital. In 1946 Lidia and I moved to Kishinev.
From right to left, these are my parents Wolf and Fania Rozenfain, with my father’s brother (name unknown). This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1948.
This is me in the Odessa Opera Theater. This photo was taken in 1955. I spent vacation in the recreation center that summer. I shared a room with the man beside me (name unknown). I was arrested at the time of the campaign against ‘cosmopolitans’, but I don’t think that I fell victim to this campaign.
This is my family. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1956. From left to right: I, my son Sergei Berezovskiy (standing), my son Oleg Berezovskiy and my wife Lubov Berezovskaya. I married Lubov Berezovskaya in 1947.
This is my family. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1956. From left to right: I, my son Sergei Berezovskiy (standing), my son Oleg Berezovskiy and my wife Lubov Berezovskaya. I married Lubov Berezovskaya in 1947.
This is me with my relatives. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 1965. First row from left to right: my wife Lubov Berezovskay, my nephew Izia Shusterman’s wife (name unknown), his daughter (name unknown). 2nd row from left to right: I, my nephew Izia Shusterman, my niece Nelia Shusterman, my aunt Mania Shusterman.
This is a Diploma of the Supreme Soviet that I received for the construction of a factory of leatherette in Kishinev in 1980.
This is me in the Jewish town library. This photo was taken in Kishinev in 2004.
Ісаак Розенфайн – це худорлявий чоловік середнього зросту з витонченими рисами. Він має вуса і зачісує волосся назад, таким чином відкриваючи свій великий лоб. Він носить темні окуляри. Під час розмови він уважно дивиться на вас, але часом здається, що він знаходиться у своєму власному світі, пригадуючи щось глибоко особисте, і не поспішає ділитися тим, що у нього на думці. Ми зустрілись з Ісааком у єврейській міській бібліотеці. Ісаак – це дуже приємна, розумна людина з бездоганними манерами та почуттям гідності. Однак, він є досить мовчазним та стриманим: є теми, які він ніколи не обговорює, теми, які він закрив для себе, виходячи зі свого сумного життєвого досвіду. Тому він часто використовував фрази на кшталт “не знаю” або “не пам’ятаю”, особливо коли це стосувалося політики.
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