Mogiliov-Podolskii, Ucraina
This is my father Itzyk Weisenberg. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1915. My father Itzyk Weisenberg was born in 1899 in Mogilyov-Podolskiy, Vinnytsa province of the Russian Empire.
Upper row from left to right: my mother’s older brother, a tailor, living in Luchinets, my mother Genia Gempeld, my mother’s younger brother Mikhail Gempeld. I don’t know these two women in the foreground. My mother might have mentioned them, but I can’t remember. This photo was taken in Ozarintsy in 1919.
This is my mother Genia Gempeld (standing on the right) with her mother Fania Gempeld (in center) and older sister Riva (standing on the left). This photo was taken in Ozarintsy in 1921.
This is my first class. We were photographed after we finished our first academic year at school. I am sitting in the second row, the 3rd from the left. Our teacher is standing on the right. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1939.
This photograph was taken at the celebration of 1 May in our school canteen. I am sitting at the first table on the left, looking at the photographer. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1940.
From left to right: my mother Genia Gempeld, I and my father Itzyk Weisenberg. We were photographed on my 15th birthday. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1947.
This photograph was taken during the first and the only vacation in my life, which I spent away from home. My employer awarded me a trip to the Kuyalnik recreation center in Odessa. I am standing on the right with other holiday makers. This photo was taken in Odessa in 1969.
I am sitting at the table and my daughter Maya. is standing. She and I were photographed in our kitchen by my husband. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1972.
I am on the right, this is at my working place in the fish kiosk at the market in Mogilyov-Podolskiy. This photo was taken in 1978.
My husband photographed me at my 50th birthday. This photo was taken during celebration my birthday, in the my flat in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1982.
My husband Semyon Leiderman photographed on his 14th birthday, in July 1940. This photo was taken in Luchinets village Vinnitsa region.
My son-in-law, my daughter’s husband Igor Kotliar (2nd on the left) and my daughter Maya Kotliar (3rd on the left) were photographed with their colleagues during a lunch break. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1985.
My son-in-law, my daughter’s husband Igor Kotliar (2nd on the left) and my daughter Maya Kotliar (3rd on the left) were photographed with their colleagues during a lunch break. This photo was taken in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1985.
This is me at present. I was photographed for the album „Prisoners of the Mogilyov-Podolskiy ghetto”, issued by our Jewish community to the 60th anniversary of liberation of the town from fascists (19 March 1944). This photo was taken in 2004 in Mogilyov-Podolskiy.
Sonia Leiderman e o doamnă corpolentă de statură medie. Sonia e o persoană cu necesități speciale. Unul din picioarele ei a fost amputat mai sus de genunchi. Ea nu poate merge şi se mișcă prin apartamentul său în cărucior. E o femeie foarte sociabilă şi plină de energie. Ea ușor se amuză şi îi place să spună glume. Ea a terminat doar trei clase de școală dar are o minte lucidă şi ageră. M-a surprins prin profunzimea gândirii şi claritatea expresiilor sale. Ea locuiește împreună cu fiica sa, care se îngrijește de ea. Fiica Sonei şi ginerele ei sunt la serviciu şi Sonia se simte singuratică. Îi place să-mi povestească despre viața sa şi s-a simțit fericită să aibă pe cineva care s-o asculte şi cu care să vorbească. Cei care au mai multe motive pentru a fi optimiști cu siguranță că o vor invidia pe Sonia pentru optimismul ei şi simțul umorului.
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