
Our resource center offers historical lectures, seminar presentations, lesson plans by teachers from Ukraine, Moldova and the Visegrad countries as well as other teaching tools on Holocaust and Tolerance Education, Antisemitism and Human Rights.

Iosif Lazarevich Raitsykh, in the role of the groom in the silent film ‘In the Name of God’, Baku 1926

Resource Collection on Jewish Life and Culture in the Caucasus

With selected texts and photographs from the Centropa archive for educators from Georgia and Azerbaijan
The Jewish quarter. Remember. Do not repeat

The Jewish quarter. Remember. Do not repeat

A lesson plan by Tetiana Moskalenko, History and Social Studies Teacher in Bohuslavets, Ukraine
Regardless of Destiny. A Human in the Midst of Totalitarianism (based on film and interview of Centropa with «Haya Leia Detinko»)

Regardless of Destiny. A Human in the Midst of Totalitarianism (based on film and interview of Centropa with «Haya Leia Detinko»)

Regardless of Destiny. A Human in the Midst of Totalitarianism (based on film and interview of Centropa with «Haya Leia Detinko»)
Jews of Proskurov - the way through the millstone of history

Jews of Proskurov – the way through the millstone of history

A Lesson plan by Oksana Stepanova, history teacher of gymnasium №2 in Khmelnytsky, Ukraine.
We are all different — we are all special

We are all different — we are all special

A Lesson plan by Anna Atlasheva, Civic Education teacher.
Lessons about the War and the Holocaust - Lessons of Tolerance

Lessons about the War and the Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance

Lesson plan by Olena Serhiivna, teacher Russian language and foreign literature, and Olena Leonidivna, teacher history and socio-political disciplines, Merefyanskaya comprehensive school of I-III degrees №6, Ukraine.
January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Lesson plan by Oksana Vyshinskaya, history teacher and Jurisprudence Secondary School I-III st. №2 named after PP Schmidt Ochakiv City Council, Ukraine.
Ukrainian Jewish Family Album

Ukrainian Jewish Family Album

Exhibition plan by Natalia Syplyvets, teacher at Nizhyn Secondary School of I-III grades. №7, Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, Ukraine.
"A Human Being is a Human Being” and "A Human Should always Remain A Human"

“A Human Being is a Human Being” and “A Human Should always Remain A Human”

Two lesson plans by Maryna Oleksandrivna, english teacher at NVK №141 “ORT”
The history of the Holocaust - through the history of Theofila Silberring

The history of the Holocaust – through the history of Theofila Silberring

Teaching Holocaust and Human Behavior A lesson plan Download the lessonplan here.
The history of the Holocaust through the history of the Haya Leya's family

The history of the Holocaust through the history of the Haya Leya’s family

Teaching Holocaust and Human Behavior A lesson plan Download the lessonplan here.
History through the Lens of Family Values

History through the Lens of Family Values

Lesson plan by Alexander Walter King, Anastasiia Belyaeva, Olga Taratula, Markus Freundorfer, Maryna Pysanets, Victoria Kadyuk, Zinaida Gross, and Zsolt Vódli. Elaborated during a group work session.
The Holocaust: Memory and Warnings

The Holocaust: Memory and Warnings

Lesson plan by Yevhen Moroz, teacher of history and jurisprudence of Nikolaev secondary school I-III degrees №29, Ukraine.
The Holocaust in Ukraine: Origins and Lessons

The Holocaust in Ukraine: Origins and Lessons

Lesson plan by Tatiana Moskalenko, teacher at Zolotonosha district council Cherkasy region, Ukraine
Judaism - the right to life

Judaism – the right to life

Lesson plan by Oksana Samoylenko, teacher at VKNZ Korostyshiv Pedagogical College named after I.Ya. Franko.
Nazi occupation: the example of Ukraine

Nazi occupation: the example of Ukraine

Lesson plan by Mykhaylo Skrypka, history teacher
Memory does not die

Memory does not die

Lesson plan by Tetiana Chetvertak, teacher at Novomykolayiv Secondary School of I-III grades of Melitopol District Council, Ukraine.
You can't die to survive - "Surviving Stalin's Gulag"

You can’t die to survive – “Surviving Stalin’s Gulag”

Lesson plan by Nina Avramenko, history teacher from secondary school of I-III degrees, Losynivska village council, Ukraine.
Jews of Zhytomyr in the summer and early autumn of 1941

Jews of Zhytomyr in the summer and early autumn of 1941

Lesson plan by Anna Saveliyeva, teacher at Korostyshiv Secondary School №3, Korostyshiv, Ukraine.
10 polnische Städte 10 Polnische Geschichten

10 polnische Städte 10 Polnische Geschichten

The new exhibition by Centropa & Galicia Jewish Museum about "Ten Polish cities. 10 Polish Stories"
Zahor- Remember

Zahor- Remember

Lesson plan for the film Zahor - Remember by Ludwig Peter.
The Roots and Impact of Anti-Semitism

The Roots and Impact of Anti-Semitism

A lessonplan by Alexandra Evdochimova, History teacher and Zinaida Gross, English teacher
Lea Haya Detinko - Surviving Stalin's Gulag

Lea Haya Detinko – Surviving Stalin’s Gulag

Lesson plan presentation by Nina Avramenko, history teacher from Losinivska, Ukraine, using the Centropa film about Haya Lea Detinko
Haya Lea Detinko - Surviving Stalin's gulag

Haya Lea Detinko – Surviving Stalin’s gulag

Lesson plan by Nina Avramenko, history teacher from Losinivska, Ukraine, using the Centropa film about Haya Lea Detinko
Art and Resistance: Peter Ginz and „Vedem“

Art and Resistance: Peter Ginz and „Vedem“

Lesson plan for English, art and history classes by Anastasiia Belyaeva (Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine) Download it here.
The specifics of the Holocaust in the Romanian Shere of Influence

The specifics of the Holocaust in the Romanian Shere of Influence

Lesson plan using the Centropa film about Tamara Koblik by Natalia Sincu
Using multimedia Films in History classes

Using multimedia Films in History classes

Lesson plan using Centropa film Ivan Barbul: A Life Reborn by Victoria Vulpe Download it here.
Return To Rivne

Return To Rivne

"Голокост. Памятаємо": Lesson plan by Ruslana Bernatska and Tetyana Ibrahimova from ORT Educational Complex No. 141 in Kyiv, Ukraine using Centropa film Return to Rivne
A story read, a story told

A story read, a story told

"A story read, a story told"- A lessonplan by Silvia Guzun.
Голокост в Україні: витоки та уроки

Голокост в Україні: витоки та уроки

Інтегрований урок з історії України та курсу «Людина і світ» 11 клас (2 год.) Голокост в Україні: витоки та уроки / An integrated lesson on the history of Ukraine and the course "Man and the World"Grade 11 (2 years) "The Holocaust in Ukraine: origins and lessons": Lesson plan by Tetyana
Template for Centropa Lesson Plan

Template for Centropa Lesson Plan

An editable template for documenting a lesson plan.
Template for Exhibition report “The Ukrainian Jewish Family Album”

Template for Exhibition report “The Ukrainian Jewish Family Album”

An editable template for documenting the hosting of the exhibition “The Ukrainian Jewish Family Album”.
Template for Exhibition report “The Moldovan Jewish Family Album”

Template for Exhibition report “The Moldovan Jewish Family Album”

An editable template for documenting the hosting of the exhibition “The Moldovan Jewish Family Album”.
Report about the Trans.History seminar in Lviv, Ukraine

Report about the Trans.History seminar in Lviv, Ukraine

45 participants from Poland, Ukraine and Germany attended the fourth Trans.History seminar, which took place on March 30-April 1 2017 in Lviv. Over the course of two days, education professionals and civil society actors met to discuss how to teach 20th Century Ukrainian-Jewish History and the Holocaust to 21st Century
Make the World a Better Place – An Ukrainian-Serbian project

Make the World a Better Place – An Ukrainian-Serbian project

A presentation by Kateryna Tsybulska & Natalia Porokhnyak.
Courageous People

Courageous People

A presentation and lesson plan by Maryna Pysanets.